Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fucking facebook fanboys, man

So, you meet a guy. Maybe through a mutual friend; maybe at a party, but the common factor is that you meet him in a circumstance that you're not regularly in. You talk to him for a couple of minutes and he seems nice and cool enough and whatnot. Not painful to talk to but you wouldn't make the special effort to see him again or anything. You come home and you have a facebook request and a "Nice to meet you" message from him. Well, that's nice and all. Nothing wrong with making friends and networking, right?

Then, before you know it, he's liking EVERY fucking post you put up, chatting you up connnnstantly, putting little lovenotes on your wall (how dare he cyber cockblock me! haha), and telling you that he wants to come visit you/wants you to come visit him every chance he gets. OMFG. I know almost NOTHING about you except for the fact that you think I'm the most amazing thing since sliced bread (despite the fact that you know almost nothing about me). Whhyyyyyy are you doing this??? I mean, I know you might be thinking about one of my earlier blog entries, but I make it a point not to go fangirl on a guy's ass. I know how annoying that shit is. And there's something to be said for being nonchalant. It indicates that you have a life and self esteem. And even if you have no life like me, you can at least fake it! (I mean I at least have my own interests/goals/dreams/hobbies/friends... I just spend too much time on the internet... at least my time is sloowwwwwly getting shorter, but that's a subject for another post)

In other words, men, if you fancy a lady based on her amazing looks and energy alone, that's completely fine and I think that it's fine to let her know to some extent that you find her attractive, but beyond that, if you bombard her with cyber attention, shit gets annoying reeeeeeeal fast.

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