Thursday, November 1, 2012


Why does being in the kitchen for the rest of my roomates, specifically my landlord while he runs the cookie business, automatically mean that the TV has to be blaring down the hall the entire time? Turn the fucking thing off! It's bombarding my mind. o_O

Between the noise and lights from the cars on the highway, the lights from the rescue squad next door, the lights from the hallway, and the sounds in the kitchen, I haven't had a quiet, dark night in my own living space for well over a year now. And thank god I'm moving in a couple of weeks because it's really starting to bug me out! I have come to realize that all of my frustration in life stems from one core issue: I haven't had enough space for myself. I so look forward to living in a quiet house away from town where I have enough extra space outside of my bedroom to be creative. I think it's going to make ALL of the difference in the world.

By the way, during my landlord's bullying session last week that prompted me to find a new living space, he mentioned that it was a legitimate fear of his that he would come home one day to find the house burned down because of me. His girlfriend, who moved in a week later (coincidence? I don't think so!), has set the fire alarm off cooking twice now. I haven't set it off once. Just saying. Also her living here brings the grand total of people living in this tiny place up to 8 now! 8 people sharing one refrigerator.... ridiculous.

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