Wednesday, November 21, 2012



I'm a pretty grateful person and I often explicitly express my gratitude, as I'm sure many of my close friends can tell you. However, I find this holiday VERY fucking annoying. Probably because I'm vegan. So after making the trip to my family's house, I have to cook my own dinner. Which really sucks when your parents have a very tiny kitchen and your anal-passive aggressive mother is running around behind you picking up every tiny food scrap you drop while you're trying to do your thing.....

I always have trouble doing this holiday. Fall semester is tough, and the only break I really get is this one which I have to spend at my parent's house... so after a few months of barely being able to do my own thing, I have to spend my time off with even less privacy or space than I had at the house that I just moved from. I want to move on from this semester onto more exciting projects, plz. And I would much prefer the time I spend with my family to NOT involve having a ton of people over for dinner which always makes my parents crabby and uptight. grrrrrrrrrrr

Also, in case all two of you who read this blog are wondering where I've been, my computer has been broken :(

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