Saturday, October 27, 2012

This is why we can't have nice things.

So, I went to the college apartments near my school. A storm is on its way and my medicine stash was low, otherwise I wouldn't DARE go near that area the Saturday before Halloween. I guess the point of Halloween is to scare people, and nothing to me is scarier than drunk people starting fights rowdy enough to get the cops called for the five minutes I was there (made it a point to gtfo before they arrived), my sacred herb connect thinking he accidentally locked his keys in the apartment on their way out to a party and his girlfriend screaming bloody murder at him until he realized they were in a different pocket ten seconds later, and not to mention all of the tacky costumes. ughhhh. Those apartments are a drunken nightmare on any weekend, but for some reason the obnoxiousness gets far worse when tacky, store bought, and often slutty costumes are thrown into the mix.

How did a shamanic holiday traditionally based around communicating with deceased spirits turn into this? Of course, we modern day humans have taken every cool shamanic holiday and transformed it into something drunk/tacky/store bought. And of course, in this day and age, Halloween without darkpsy is just. plan. wrong.

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